Environmental Film Blogs

This hand-picked collection of movie reviews explores the breadth and depth of the cinematic world, inviting you embark on a cinematic journey across various genres, periods, and even cultures. It will help you discover movies (blog) that align with your personal preferences and the interests of.Cyber SurfingMovie Reviews Archive 7Glass Movie Revie

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Pumpkinhead Ashes to Ashes Movie Review

How do you follow up a theatrical cult hit and a straight to video.. uh.. thing? Well, why not get SyFy to slap together some made for TV tripe, and pump out today's picture: Pumpkinhead Ashes to Ashes. On the one hand, it actually acknowledges the events of the first movie and has a couple good science fiction movie reviews actors in it. On the

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Film analysis: Hatchet 3 (2013) (Decker Shado video)

Hatchet 3 (2013) is the third horror film in the Hatchet Series. It is a follow-up to Victor Crowley's murderous rampage through Louisiana's Honey Island Swamp. Kane Hodder plays Victor Crowley and Brian Quinn is Deputy Winslow. Rileah Vanderbilt plays Misty. The practical effects in the film are the film's biggest strength. Hatchet 3 uses a

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I'm Samual, a cult film fan, science fiction reader, and dedicated gamer. When I'm not playing zombies on Xbox, or watching scary movies, I enjoy reading or hanging out with my friends and family. This website was created to allow me to share my hobbies and interests. As I explore scary Reviews movies and sci-fi literature, you can join me. Welcome

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Skinned Deep horror movie

A homage to classic grindhouse horror cinema from 2004, Skinned Deep doesn't shy away from its inspiration at all in its aesthetic. Presented in a 4 by 3 aspect ratio, with heavy film grain and overdubbed dialogue, you don't even need the story of a middle-of-nowhere family of (webpage) maniacs to make this one feel unnerving. Oh, but it's a

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